Orbital Elements
- Epoch: 2460200.5 JD
- Semi-major axis: 2.741 AU
- Eccentricity: 0.3992
- Inclination: 23.5 deg
- Longitude of Ascending Node: 49.98 deg
- Argument of Periapsis: 110.12 deg
- Mean Anomaly: 40.69 deg
Physical Characteristics
- Diameter: 5.31400 km
- Magnitude: 14.78
- Albedo: 0.090
Shape Model Characteristics
At 2451464.0 JD:
- Spin period in hours: 17.6042
- Spin latitude: -44.0
- Spin longitude: -44.0
- Spin angle: 0.0
- Quality level: 1.5
This shape model of asteroid 96155 (1973 HA) is provided by the DAMIT database from The Astronomical Institute of the Charles University in Prague, Czechia.
The model is rotated on its Z axis for the purpose of this visualization, which may not reflect actual rotation.